“The Breathing Alveoli of the House Made of Mud”, Mixed Media on canvas 120 x 120 cm, Lina Osama, Egypt


Mix Media on canvas, Lina Osama (Egyptian, born 1986)

Title: The Breathing Alveoli of the House Made of Mud, 2019

120 x 120 cm

Location : Cairo, Egypt

Egyptian Artist

1 in stock


Mix Media on canvas, Lina Osama (Egyptian, born 1986)

Title: The Breathing Alveoli of the House Made of Mud, 2019

120 x 120 cm

Signed ‘Lina (front)

Provenance: Direct from the artist.

Hourglass interactions 2019
Hourglass Contemplations On Life, Death and the Dreams in-between’, a painting series by Lina Osama inspired by the death of her mother, exploring death as a part of the life cycle of a modern family exposing how the death of a parent can be seen as an inevitable part of life alongside the birth of grandchildren compared to the life stages of trees and plants. The paintings are rich with ancient Egyptian motifs and printed patterns in bright orange hues presenting a deeper view of ‘death’ as the counterpart of life beyond the instant sadness and fright.
Mud House Alveoli
In Egyptian heritage mud is very important; believed to be the origin of human existence, the first material to make houses from and a symbol of fertility. When family ties are strong the house can seem to be a merged extension to the physical presence of family members.



Additional information

Weight 1,320 kg
Dimensions 65,5 × 89 cm

mix media paintings, canvas